Denver photographer Susan Goddard (ASMP Colorado) came to the board some months ago with a comprehensive look at how bad the National Find A Photographer (FAP) service has gotten. Many of you participated in chats on the the National boards where members from all over discussed and refined Susan's ideas. So, at long last, the change is coming!
From ASMP President Todd Joyce's wrap-up of the results of the National Board Meeting:
"Find a Photographer — Changes are coming. As we work to redesign the current ASMP website, we are looking to update FAP. Shawn Henry and Greg Kiger have been working to solicit feedback from users to make the site more buyer friendly. When changes are made to the ASMP site, we will also need to have members upgrade the size of images. At that time, we will also be making some changes to FAP. Upgrades in technology and a better understanding of learned behavior in searches has made it possible to make FAP more user friendly. Members have asked for more FAP promotion. Making it more usable and more visible should help it become a much better service for us all."
Susan Goddard on the web: http://www.sgodphoto.com/